Competition Seminar – Saturday, September 8

There are lots of different types of competitions for all ages and ability levels: local tournaments, RYCs, SYCs, ROCs, NACs, Championships.  Many of them have different eligibility requirements.  Some are limited by age group (e.g., Y10, Y12, Y14, Vet Open), others by ability level (e.g., Division II, Division III), others are open to everyone.


Competition is an important part of your fencing development.  Fencing unknown opponents will improve your fencing by increasing your speed, maintaining your distance, and analyzing your opponent and developing strategy and tactics.  I encourage everyone to enter competitions as often as possible.


If you don’t know what tournaments you may be eligible for you, how to enter or how you qualify to tournaments, you should come to the seminar (along with parents of the youth fencers) on Saturday, September 8, 1:00pm.