All Fencing Programs Cancelled

All fencing classes, club practices, and private lessons until further notice due to the coronavirus pandemic beginning tonight, Thursday, March 12.


This is not a decision of the DC Government or DC Department of Parks and Recreation but is one that I’ve made as coach of the club.  I don’t think I’m overreacting.  I believe the way to keep people as safe as possible is by minimizing contact.  If “social distancing” is done now, rather than after the virus spreads even further, it will be more effective in reducing the outbreak.  With less exposure, hospital facilities and emergency supplies will be more available to those in need.  And, although I love the sport, I realize that fencing is a recreational activity that is not essential (such as school or work).


My decision is also based on the fact that the FIE has canceled or postponed international competitions (including the Junior/Cadet World Championships that were to be hosted in Salt Lake City, UT) and the US Fencing Association has postponed a Super Junior/Cadet Circuit that was to be held this weekend in California.  The status of the March (Detroit) and April (St. Louis) national tournaments has yet to be decided by US Fencing.  I expect that the Cherry Blossom Open scheduled for May 2-3 at the University of Maryland College Park will also be canceled.  Everyone should check on AskFRED for the status of any local tournaments.  If you have preregistered on AskFRED for a tournament, then you should receive an e-mail if the tournament is canceled.