Brownies & Ice Cream Mon Feb 11 & Tue Feb 12

Come join us to celebrate the Valentine's Day with brownies & ice cream tonight, Monday, February 11, 7:30-9:00pm and Tuesday, February 12, 7:30-9:00pm!  And, come to fence.  Foil and epee fencers welcome.  If you are not a member of Chevy Chase Fencing Club, review our guest fencer policies.

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Non-Combativity Rule Has Changed

The International Fencing Federation (F.I.E.) has changed the Non-combativity Rule and US Fencing has implemented the change beginning February 14, 2019. The rule only affects direct elimination bouts and team matches.  The old Non-combativity Rule was as follows: If there was approximately 60 seconds without a touch being scored the referee would progress the direct elimination bout to the next 3-minute period without a break, or if the non-combativity occured

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