No Fencing Thursday, November 15

Because Montgomery County Public Schools have now closed for the day due to the worsening weather conditions, we will not have private lessons, footwork practice or club practice tonight, Thursday, November 15. The club’s weather cancellation policy is that we will not have private lessons, footwork practice, group classes or club practice should Montgomery County Public Schools close for the day, dismiss early or cancel evening activities due to weather.

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US Team Wins Bronze in Estonia

Congrats to former CCFC fencer Kat Holmes and her teammates Kelley Hurley and Kasia Nixon on winning bronze at the Women's Epee Team World Cup in Tallinn, Estonia.  The US Women's Epee Team is ranked number 1 in the world!!

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Kat Holmes on Cover of American Fencing

Former Chevy Chase fencer, Olympian and World Champion Katharine Holmes is on the cover of the latest issue of American Fencing Magazine!!  She is on the bottom row, second from left. Below is a video of the World Champion Women's Epee Team returning to the US. [video mp4=""][/video]

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